The Mans Decree (chinese) 4043

After taking a few deep breaths, Kai slowly walked towards that light door!

Because he did not know what exactly was behind that light door, Kai was extremely cautious!

His entire body was in a state of readiness, so that if he encountered danger, he would be able to react first!

However, after Kai slowly walked through the light door, there was no so-called way out, it was still a deep cavern!

“Damn …………”

Kai cursed, he thought that he could go out, but he didn’t think that he was still in a cave!

This is all a fucking cave, what’s the point of having a light door?

It was also disguised to look like a rock wall, isn’t this sick?

But when Kai intended to retreat back, he found that the light door had disappeared, and behind him was the real rock wall!

This meant that Kai couldn’t even go back if he wanted to!

This had confused Kai a little bit, his hairs exploded and his expression was tense!

Obviously, this light door or rock wall was definitely man-made, not a natural formation!

Is this luring himself in and then closing the door?

Kai was a little scared, after all, what exactly was inside this cave was an unknown!

Whether one could get out or not was also unknown!

However, the back way had been sealed, Kai could only walk forwards with a stiff upper lip!

“Hahaha, this is a dead end, it’s definitely a dead end, maybe there will be fierce beasts waiting for you here.”

“You’re torturing me so cruelly, you yourself will never want to live!”

Elder Tu laughed out loud!

The more tense Kai’s expression was, the happier he was!

Kai coldly glanced at that Elder Tu and said with a disdainful smile, “If I run into a fierce beast, I will first throw you out as food.”

After saying that, Kai gave Elder Tu two more lashes before continuing to walk forwards along the cave!

This time, there were no forks in the road, Kai just walked along the cave towards the depths!

Not knowing how long he had been walking, another curtain of light unexpectedly appeared in front of him, except that this curtain of light was obviously a formation that had been laid down to block the people inside the cave!

Seeing the curtain of light that suddenly appeared in front of him, Kai knew that someone might exist here!

If this cave was truly the interior of the Divine Volcano, then who would be inside this cave?

Kai walked up and carefully observed the formation and found that the formation pattern on that formation was very old, obviously this formation had been set up here for many years, it was estimated that hundreds of years were there!

Stayed here for hundreds of years? In the end who is it?

To know that the only thing that could be used within this cave was the extremely fine flame filaments that penetrated in, there was no aura present at all!

In this place, there is no spiritual qi, what to cultivate?

A retreat would not have chosen this place either!

Kai tried to send out his divine sense, wanting to see who was behind this light curtain, but there was no way for his divine sense to penetrate that light curtain!

Right now, Kai did not know if there was someone behind this light, or if it was still this cave after following that light door just now, after penetrating through it.

“Senior, senior has no intention to enter this place, I don’t know how to get out, if there is any disturbance, please don’t be offended.”

Kai shouted loudly towards that light screen!

If there was someone behind that light screen, they must have heard Kai’s shout!

After shouting, after waiting for a few moments, Kai carefully investigated the formation!

This formation was not difficult, for Kai, it should be considered as a rudimentary defence formation!

After just a couple of glances, Kai discovered where the eyes of the formation were!

Only seeing Kai flexing his fingers, several auras flew out and hit the location of the formation’s eye!


The light curtain began to tremble violently, then instantly disappeared, and as the light curtain disappeared, a ray of light directly illuminated the entire cave!

In the dark cave, the light was colourful and dazzling.

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