The Mans Decree (chinese) 3978

However, just before reaching Zhu Ling, a hint of viciousness suddenly flashed in Zhu Ling’s eyes as he slapped his palm towards Kai!

This fellow even sneak attacked Kai!

Kai was stunned and instantly became enraged, reaching out and gently clasping Zhu Ling’s wrist, followed by backhanding Zhu Ling under control!


Kai directly smacked towards the raised position on Zhu Ling’s back!

Slap after slap after slap was loud!

“Ah …… you let go of me, let go of me ……”

Zhu Ling was controlled by Kai and could not break free at all.

She did not expect that Kai would hit her sensitive places and that she had no defence at all!

Wei Qing and Elder Yu looked dumbfounded, none of them expected that Kai would dare to hit Zhu Ling in that place!

“Big pervert, let go of me, I’m going to kill you ……”

Zhu Ling was ashamed and annoyed, yelling at Kai!

Kai didn’t care and snapped!

“I’m going to teach you a good lesson, be open and honest, since you’ve lost, you still dare to sneak attack, if you weren’t in the Purple Flame Sect, you would have died a long time ago.”

Kai was also angry and did not stop at all!

Wei Qing and Elder Yu were shocked and anxious at the side.

“Senior brother, stop fighting, stop fighting ……”

Wei Qing said as he looked at Kai with envious eyes!

Although the words were said so, Wei Qing hated that he couldn’t wait to step forward and slap that Zhu Ling as well!

Surprisingly sneak attacking, this was indeed not done in a decent manner!

“Stop, quickly stop ……”

Elder Yu also shouted, but Kai simply did not listen!

In the end, Zhu Ling couldn’t hold back any longer and wailed, also starting to admit her mistake!

“I’m wrong, admit defeat, stop fighting ……”

Zhu Ling said in tears!

Hearing Zhu Ling say this, only then did Kai let go of his hand, while Zhu Ling was filled with aggression and felt a fiery pain in her back!

To know that she was the eldest lady of the Purple Flame Sect, everyone respected her, and those disciples were even trembling when they looked at her!

Zhu Ling had always been the posture of a high and cold goddess, but now, she was being grabbed and beaten up!

Or beaten in front of others!

This psychological gap made Zhu Ling feel aggrieved!

However, at the same time as being aggrieved, Zhu Ling unexpectedly developed a trace of strange emotions towards Kai!

A Transitional Realm fourth grade cultivator, yet he could hold her, a Transitional Realm ninth grade great cultivator, down and beat her.

Moreover, the Supreme Fire was still so powerful, mainly because Kai did not lick himself at all, as if he was not affected by his beauty at all!

One must know that those inner disciples, which one saw her all flowed with saliva and knelt down to lick themselves!

But Kai did not lick, which made Zhu Ling feel that Kai was different from others!

So the more this happened, the more Zhu Ling felt differently towards Kai!

“Missy, are you alright? Cheng Ping did this, I will definitely punish him properly when I get back.”

Elder Yu rushed towards Zhu Ling and said!

Zhu Ling, however, glanced at Elder Yu and said, “Who asked you to punish him, we’re in a competition, it’s inevitable that we’ll get hurt, you shouldn’t punish him.”

Elder Yu was dumbfounded, he didn’t understand, Zhu Ling was beaten, but she even excused Kai, what was this?

Women, really hard to understand!

After Zhu Ling finished, she looked at Kai and said, “I lost, what do you want, just say it directly ……”

“I want the method of the Supreme Flame Fusion ……”

Kai said directly!

Just now, when Kai said that he would let Zhu Ling strip naked and dance, it was just to scare him, Kai would not be that boring!

He had come to the Purple Flame Sect to seek the method of Supreme Flame Fusion, and if this Zhu Ling knew how to do it, then there would be no need to meet that crazy old Sect Master!

“The method of Supreme Flame Fusion?”

Zhu Ling froze, then let out a bitter laugh, “Aren’t you making things difficult for people? How would I know the way to fusion of the Supreme Flame, as you can see, just now my two Supreme Flames were separated from each other, if I knew how to fusion of the Supreme Flame, I might have been able to defeat you!”

Kai knew that Zhu Ling was telling the truth, just now, Zhu Ling’s two kinds of Supreme Flames were also separate from each other, only relying on the rapid rotation, it looked like they were fused together!


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