the Amazing Son In Law Chapter 6871

While President Pei was actively preparing for the evening dinner, charlie Wade took Jacob and Elaine to a restaurant near Tomson Yipin and sat down.

Claire had to work overtime at the Dihao Group in the evening. Seeing that it was just time for dinner, it would take too long to cook at home, so charlie Wade simply took the old couple to eat outside.

After sitting down in the restaurant, Jacob sighed and muttered, “I never want to go out again. This trip to Dubai made me almost die.”

Elaine complained about him, “If you hadn’t messed around, you wouldn’t have ended up like this. I gave away tens of millions of things. I still feel sad when I think about it now.”

“Hey!” Jacob waved his hands, “Don’t mention it anymore. Let me live two more years.”

After saying that, he remembered something, looked at charlie Wade, and asked him, “Good son-in-law, do you think Master Don Albert can help me get back to the Calligraphy and Painting Association?”

charlie Wade smiled and said, “Such a small thing should not be a big problem for him.” Jacob nodded

and said, “I will be satisfied if I can go back to the Calligraphy and Painting Association. If I can’t go back, it’s still an unknown what I will do in the future… It’s so worrying…”

charlie Wade asked the waiter to order a few hard dishes, and then said to Jacob, “Dad, don’t think so much for now, just wait for the news steadily.”



On the other side, President Pei brought the vice president of the calligraphy and painting association and the newly appointed director to the hotel booked by his wife Huang Qiuyun.

Seeing that President Pei brought his wife, everyone thought that this meal must be a farewell dinner for President Pei before his promotion, so someone said: “President Pei, you and your sister-in-law invited us to dinner, this must be a promotion soon, right?”

“Yes!” Someone quickly echoed: “President Pei, after you are promoted, don’t forget us old brothers!” President

Pei sighed and said: “Everyone, to be honest, I invited everyone to dinner today not because of my business.”

Everyone was puzzled and asked him: “Then what is it?”

President Pei said: “This afternoon, the famous Don Albertye in Aurous Hill called me. He wanted Jacob to return to our calligraphy and painting association and asked me to do this as soon as possible.”

“Ah?!” When everyone heard that they wanted Jacob to come back, they were all reluctant.

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