The Mans Decree (chinese) 3973

Wei Qing panicked and covered his nose with a very embarrassed expression!

Elder Yu was also full of shame and said, ‘Shrewless thing, quickly go out and clean it up ……’

Wei Qing panicked and ran out to clean up!

‘This is my newly recruited disciple Cheng Ping!’

Elder Yu pointed at Kai and said!

Zhu Ling looked at Kai and realised that Kai had actually put his head down, making it impossible to see his appearance!

‘Why is this junior disciple so shy, he doesn’t even dare to raise his head?’

Zhu Ling asked curiously!

‘Raise your head up ah, how can you still talk to Missy about things like this?’

Elder Yu hurriedly hit Kai!

Seeing this, Kai could only grit his teeth and lift his head up!

‘Senior Sister Zhu Ling, how are you ……’

Kai smiled towards Zhu Ling!

Upon seeing Kai, Zhu Ling instantly froze, followed by an instant burst of anger on her body!

‘So it’s you the big pervert, I’ll kill you ……’

After saying that, Zhu Ling slapped her palm towards Kai!

Kai was startled and hurriedly ran outside, Elder Yu didn’t even react to what was going on before Zhu Ling chased after him!

‘Don’t run, I will definitely kill you!’

Zhu Ling roared angrily!

Outside, Wei Qing was cleaning up and had no idea what was going on, when he saw Kai running out and Zhu Ling chasing after him!

At that moment, Elder Yu reacted and hurriedly chased after him, stopping Zhu Ling!

‘Missy, what the hell is going on? Do you two know each other?’

Elder Yu asked!

‘Elder Yu, this new disciple of yours doesn’t have a good character ah, ask him what’s wrong.’

Zhu Ling said with an exasperated voice!

Elder Yu’s face was full of puzzlement as he looked at Kai and said, ‘Tell me, how exactly did you mess with Senior Sister Zhu Ling?’

Kai’s face was full of embarrassment, and he could only say truthfully, ‘I was careless last night, and I saw Senior Sister Zhu Ling taking a bath ……’

Kai was filled with embarrassment and could only truthfully say, ‘I was careless last night and saw Senior Sister Zhu Ling bathing ……’


Elder Yu and Wei Qing were shocked at the same time!

Wei Qing, in particular, was filled with shock and envy!

To be able to see Senior Sister Zhu Ling take a bath, even if one’s life was reduced by a hundred years, one would still be willing ah!

‘Tell me truthfully, did you only see me bathing?’

‘It’s obvious that you want to plot against me!’

Zhu Ling stared angrily at Kai!

‘Misunderstanding is definitely a misunderstanding!’ Kai’s face was full of aggression, ‘I was just casually wandering around last night, and when I arrived here, I felt that there was a hint of Immortal Qi mixed in with the aura, so I ghosted in.’

‘There was no one guarding the door or closing it at all, I saw that the spiritual pool was nice and there was no one there yet, so I stripped naked and jumped in!’

‘Who would have thought that Senior Sister Zhu Ling was also in the Spirit Pool.’

‘But Senior Sister also got me naked, we kind of looked at each other, so Senior Sister can’t be considered at a disadvantage.’

Hearing Kai’s words, Zhu Ling was all but deathly pissed off!

Wei Qing stared with wide eyes, his body trembling with envy and said, ‘Senior brother, you …… you even followed senior sister Zhu Ling both stripped naked within a spirit pool?’

‘My god, if it was me, let me die would be willing to ……’

After Wei Qing finished speaking, he suddenly felt that he had said the wrong thing and hurriedly shut his mouth in fear!

Elder Yu was also helpless, he could be sure that Kai was indeed unintentional, after all, Kai was here to learn that Supreme Fire Fusion Art, how could he sneak in the middle of the night to watch Zhu Ling bathe!

‘Eldest Miss, I think there must be a misunderstanding, this disciple of mine would never be that kind of person.’

‘There’s also the fact that if Missy kills him now, then the matter of you being viewed naked will definitely be spread out, and it will not be good for Missy’s reputation at that time!’

‘This disciple of mine, the inner sect competition, defeated Liu Shitong, made Liu Shitong call out to his elder brother, and has gained popularity in the Purple Flame Sect, so if I suddenly kill him now, there will definitely be people investigating the reason.’

Elder Yu could only think in terms of Zhu Ling’s reputation!

After all, it was just a glance and didn’t do anything!

‘What? He defeated that Liu Shitong?’

Zhu Ling froze, her face full of incredulity!

After all, Kai was only at the fourth rank of the Transition Realm, so how could he have defeated Liu Shitong?


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