The Mans Decree (chinese) 4042

Soon, Kai found that a red furred rat had actually returned, and then kept squeaking towards Kai, and biting Kai’s trouser leg!
Kai knew that it should be the red furred rat that had found something and did so, but how long had it been before the red furred rat had found a way out?

Kai followed the red furred rat towards a fork in the road and did not forget to let the Demon Drawing Whip drag that Elder Tu!
Kai did not kill this Elder Tu, in fact, there was another very important reason, that is, he wanted to let Huo Yuan Ting see, even if they colluded with the Ghost Face Sect, the end is still the same!
Kai followed that red-haired rat for only a short distance before he realised that he was blocked by a stone wall in front of him!
“Dead end?”

Kai frowned, “Dead end road what did you bring me here for?”
Kai was a little annoyed, no wonder this red furred rat returned quickly, it turned out that it ran inside this dead end road!
But why is it a dead end road, the red furred rat still brought himself here!
“You guy, even if you have partial spiritual intelligence, you still have too low an IQ!”
Kai sighed and turned around, about to walk back!

However, the red-haired rat stopped Kai, squeaking desperately and biting Kai’s trouser leg from time to time!
This time, it made Kai a little annoyed!
“Could it be that behind that rock wall, is the way out?”
At this time, the Red Cloud Demon Lord spoke!

Upon hearing this, Kai froze slightly, then walked over and gently pressed his hand on top of that rock wall!
This time, Kai’s eyes widened as he detected an abnormality!
Along with Kai’s divine sense probed into the rock wall, unexpectedly found that after the rock wall, there was a wisp of flame breath surging, and this kind of breath was extremely pure and rich, unexpectedly followed the red fire insect body of the flame gas has a few similarities!

If this was a dead end, it would be impossible for such a rich flame aura to appear behind this rock wall!
Now in this situation, there was definitely a path behind this rock wall, perhaps the way out!
“Sorry, I misunderstood you ……”

Kai looked at the red-haired rat and said in a slightly embarrassed manner!
The red furred rat seemed to understand Kai’s words and squeaked!
Kai swung away a palm and ruthlessly struck the rock wall in front of him!

With a loud bang, the rock wall in front of him surprisingly did not move!
This time, it surprised Kai!
To know, it was simply too simple for him to open mountains and crack rocks with this palm!
But this rock wall in front of him was not damaged at all!
“What kind of rock, so hard?”

Kai said, offering his Dragon Slashing Sword, then swung it down with vigour!
After swinging a dozen swords in a row, the rock wall still did not show any signs of breaking.
Kai, on the other hand, had cold sweat coming out of his forehead and was panting heavily!
This time Kai was a bit dumbfounded, even if he knew that behind this rock wall was the way out, it would be futile to greatly not look at the rock wall in front of him!
“Could it be that this rock wall was not opened with violence?”
Kai began to observe carefully!

If there was a formation organ here, then it would need to be broken in order to do so, there was no way to open it by force!
However, after Kai had examined it for half a day, it was not a formation organ at all, and he did not find any fluctuations in the formation pattern either!

Kai furrowed his brows, and his entire being fell into deep thought!
“Damn, it’s really strange, how come it can’t be opened?”
Kai was somewhat speechless!

When the Red Cloud Demon Monarch saw this, he slowly disappeared and returned to Kai’s sea of consciousness!
Right after Kai returned to Kai’s sea of consciousness, he opened his mouth and said, “Open the Heavenly Underworld Eyes and take a look, perhaps we will be able to find out the reason!”
Kai himself was not yet in a position to cast the Heavenly Underworld Eyes, only the Red Cloud Demon Monarch was there to do so!

Kai nodded, and along with one eye on his forehead slowly opening, Kai was surprised to find that the rock wall in front of him was gone!
In its place was a door of light that emanated white colour!
“A teleportation array? Could it be a teleportation out?”
When Kai saw this light door, he was instantly overjoyed!

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