Mistaking A Magnate For A Male Escort – Mistaking a Magnate for a Male Escort chapter 2260

Chapter 2260

Monica went to look for Layla just in time to see Sloan watching the car ready to take her out.

Layla, who had dumped a very large black backpack in the car and was still wearing strange clothes, saw Monica and couldn’t help but get a little defensive: “What brings you here at this late hour?”

“His Highness asked me to come and see you.”

Monica walked over quickly and handed her Diana’s information, explaining the situation briefly before adding, “I had my former partner looking into it, but after a long time of searching there was nothing, and His Highness was very anxious, so he asked me to come and ask for your help.”

“You are also trying to save Francesca, where is the talk of helping, it’s what I should do.” Layla’s tone softened, “You should have told me earlier, I’ll check it out right away.”

“Thought my partner could look into it before.” Monica was a little embarrassed, “You’re going out, I’ll leave you to it.”

“I’ll find you when I’ve checked, I’ll leave first.”

Layla took the information and got into the car.

Monica watched them leave and then drove back.

Layla looked at Diana’s file and muttered, “Strange, this girl, why does something look familiar to me?”

“You mean the president’s daughter?” Sloan said, “I’ve heard Gordon talk about it, she grew up with poor health so she never appeared in the media or went out in public, it seems you’ve met her?”

“No.” Layla shook her head, “I don’t think I’ve ever met her, but there’s always something familiar about her.”

Layla said as she flicked through Diana’s file, and couldn’t help but stare as she read it, “This Miss Diana, has a congenital heart condition?”

“Yes.” Sloan nodded, “Ms.Felch even went to treat her before.”

“Not only does she have a heart condition, she also has some mental problems.” Layla continued to look up the information, “Strange, where on earth have I seen her before?”

“Auntie, let’s think about this later, let’s go find Ms.Felch first.” Sloan cautioned, “Are you sure the little green snake can find Ms.Felch? In case it is not found and bites innocent people along the way, wouldn’t that be…”

“Don’t worry, I have telepathy with Francesca, if she knows I’m coming, she’ll automatically summon Little Green over.”

“That amazing?”

“Of course. This time, Little Green is not only going to protect Francesca, but also to scout the path for us, so if there is any unexpected situation behind us, we can follow the path to save Francesca.”


Soon the two made it to the hill near the prison without incident.

Sloan parked the car in the woods and pointed to the grey stone building not far away and said, “Ms.Felch is being held there, but exactly which room it is in, I don’t know.”

“Are you sure it’s there?” Layla asked.

“Of course, although Ms.Lindberg’s whereabouts are unknown, his prestige is still there, so it’s no problem to ask for some information.”


Layla let out a wolf’s cry into the sky.

Sloan was stunned, it was quite a sound to learn.

The soldiers on sentry duty in the distance thought a real wolf was coming and looked around with their guns.

In the prison, Francesca, who had just fallen asleep, woke up with a start and stood up on the bed to look out of the window, knowing that it was her auntie Layla who had come.

For the wolf’s cry that Auntie had learnt was not the same as the real wolf’s, and had its own secret language.

Auntie barked a few more times and then told Sloan to let Little Green out.

Soon, Little Green slipped away down the prison.

In the prison, Francesca had received the signal from her aunt and knew that the Little Green was coming, so she let out a ghostly whistle to summon Little Green to her.

Auntie watched Little Green leave and asked Sloan in a low voice, “Did you release the tracker you were told to put in?”

“Released it.” Sloan said timidly, “But Little Green swallowed the miniature tracker straight into her stomach, will she pull it out?”

“You can’t even get something done when you’re told to,” Layla glared at him in displeasure.

“I can’t help it, Little Green doesn’t listen to me, and I don’t dare to hurt it.” Sloan was aggrieved.

Layla: “Forget it, it’s good enough to swallow it.”

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